Since we were children, we were taught by our elders that we should never get into a vehicle with a stranger. We were taught that they might try to invite us in with gifts such as an offer of candy, or they might suggest a good service and offer us a free ride home. I've gone a whopping 10,102 days without an incident. Sadly, that streak ended today. Day 10,103 of my life. A day that will go down in infamy.
I've been on a health kick as of late. Eating healthy, running, no drinking of toxic alcoholic beverages. I do this once and awhile. Never lasts long enough though. Jack Daniel knows my number and is always wanting to hang out.
I recently mapped up a run in my local area in Ontario. The distance is 3.24 miles. Why do I think I can do this? I ran this course the other day in the rain. I had some momentary stops but I was able to finish. Today was a hot day. I under estimated the power of the sun.
The course consists of over a mile run on my street, then I make a turn and run around a park and return. I figured I could get some water at the park, since I was feeling thirsty. I go to a water fountain and see the park's water system is contaminated and they do not advise drinking the water.
So I trekked on in the heat. I had gotten back to my street and headed back to where I live. I started to cramp up a bit so I took a breather and just walked for a bit. I began running again when I noticed a red truck wanting to make a left turn. Pedestrians getting in the way always annoyed me so I thought I'd get out of the way quickly. It didn't even take long for my cramp to return. That's when the red truck returned.
I heard something that sounded like my name. I turned to the left and saw the red truck with the guy sitting inside. Apparently he was speaking in spanish. I did not know this guy. I gave him a simple "I'm sorry what?" which will let the person know that spanish is an alien language to me. He then asked me if I needed a ride which I quickly replied no. That didn't stop him and he encouraged me to get in and he'd give me a ride. I said, "No thanks," and begun running again.
I saw the truck pass by again and park at the corner up ahead. I stopped running and just stared up ahead. He didn't get out of his truck. He's just parked there. My leg was still sore from the cramp. I rested it a bit and sprinted like an Olympic runner, boosting by him before he had a chance to say or do anything. I felt like Kevin McCallister in Home Alone. What the hell was going on?
I figured the whole thing was over with. That figuring went away when I saw the truck pass again and park even further up ahead. I began walking again. He was parked on the side of the street I was on. This time he got out of his truck and pretended to be tinkering with something.
I didn't need this. No one needs this. I figured this guy was trying to see where I lived. I wasn't going to let that happen. I changed my path and crossed the street and then went south. I found a house to hide on the side of and watched his actions. He saw me make a turn to the right. I figured he would make a left as I did and follow me. He didn't. It was finally over.
But it actually wasn't. He made a left up ahead and was waiting for me. I zigged and zagged my way back home. I think he realized what I was doing because no one runs around in circles. Eventually I lost him which is good since I don't carry a cell phone with me when I run. I really thought only women had to deal with this sort of thing. Apparently not in the I.E.
That would have been the description of what happened to me.