Thursday, January 28, 2010

Infant Devil Baby Is On The Run

Back in October I had shared a story of my dear neighbors and their wonderful baby. The blog was titled My Neighbor Had Satan's Baby Since I have to walk by their apartment on the way to mine, I noticed a paper on their door. This was a few days ago. It was from the apartment management. It stated that they were to enter the apartment due to an INS inspection.

Thats right. Infant Devil Baby was in the US illegally. I guess being from Hell doesn't constitute as being a US Citizen. Maybe in Detroit, but not in Los Angeles County. So apparently "it" and "its" owners skipped town. The INS showed up today in their suits to kick ass, only there were no asses to kick. I guess no more random shrieks from the depths of hell at 2am. Thats a great thing...only its all for nothing.

I gave my 30 Day Notice today...*insert dramatic music*