Today I decided, upon much thought, that it was time for me to get a haircut. I've always gone to SuperCuts so to keep with the tradition, I went to a SuperCuts. There wasn't a long wait, and before I knew it Maria called my name.
As I approached her, I'm noticed that she's was giving me a funny look. I understand that eye contact is important, but she had an excited look, like I was someone famous, or someone she knew. As I got closer I said hello and turned to look at where I was going to sit and in the reflection I can see that she's still staring at me. Just something strange about it, but I thought its just me being weird again.
Maria began to cut my hair. Suddenly I felt like I was being questioned by the police. She's asking everything about me, which is normal I guess. She asked me if I was working this weekend and if I was going to the Fair. I wasn't even aware there was a fair going on. Maria wanted to know if I've ever been to one and I told her maybe when I was a kid. Now this is when things got confusing because of the way she said it. She then asked me if I wanted to go. Now I'm pretty sure she was being hypothetical, but after asking me if I worked this weekend, it felt like she was asking me if I wanted to go with her. But I wasn't sure. I just found it strange. I told her I was too busy and that ended that.
In between the fair conversation, 40-year-old Maria kept asking me if she was pulling on my hair too hard. I kept telling her that she was fine and she wasn't tugging. Yet, she asked three times. This is an excerpt of how the screenplay would read on her third time:
Maria: Am I pulling on your hair?
Jason: No, you're fine.
Maria continues to cut Jason's hair.
Maria: Do you want me to pull your hair? (pause) Just kidding!
Jason begins to laugh awkwardly because he doesn't know how to respond.
Oh Maria. I just wanted a haircut. If I wanted to flirt with a disgusting cougar I would have have gone to a dive bar and had seven shots of tequila. Thanks for feeding my anxiety.