Now I realize not all of my readers are Christians. I understand I have Buddhist friends and atheists as well. There are also a few anti-religious people out there who seem to care (albeit in a negative way) more about religion than those who actually believe in it.
My faith leads me to believe that we all have our a guardian angel and I was lucky enough to see mine today. There weren't any feathered wings. No harp or white gown. No, my guardian angel is an old, bearded, drunk bum that sits outside the supermarket.
I walked out of the supermarket after completing the dreaded task of giving away money for food. As I walked out I heard a rough voice speak to me. "Stay out of trouble!" it said. I turned to see a scruffy looking bum, smiling at me. I returned a smile and said, "Will do."
The bum then began to laugh at me. "That's not what I heard!" he exclaimed. I gave a nervous laugh and continued to walk, not that I had ever stopped.
Now before your roll your eyes at this and think I've lost my mind, I will declare that this guardian angel thing is me being facetious. Though at the same time I do feel like I have to be on my best behavior now. It will haunt me if I end up getting in trouble within the next few weeks. I bet this bum does this to everyone to mess with their head. Either that, or I'm just paranoid.
I've been reading too much Stephen King. That's what it is. Shit like this happens in his books all the time. Supernatural foreshadowing. Fuck you Stephen King.
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