Awkward moments happen. Its a fact. We are never ready for it; never prepared. They spring up out of the blue and distort our thoughts and actions. I believe thats what makes it awkward. We revert to our animalistic instincts and react without conscious thought. Its only after the moment has happen, do our minds reflect on what just happened. Then the feeling of either embarassment, guilt, or shame crowd over our minds, depending on the situation. I, being an awkward person in general, probaby add to these moments.
I went to the bank recently to deposit a check and withdrawal some money. I stood in line and filled out the necessary form for such a transaction. I got to the point where I was next in line and a bank teller flashed that little light. Like a moth, I went toward the light. As I strutted to the bank teller, I heard a woman's voice out of nowhere say, "Jason! Hey! How are you?" I had my mind on my money and my money on my mind so it took a couple of seconds for my brain to realize someone said my name. When I made the correlation that my name is Jason, I instantly turned to the direction of the woman and said, "Pretty good, thanks." I said it without even looking at her. As I uttered that generic response, I made eye contact with her.
She was an employee of the bank. She was sitting at a desk on the other side of the building, perhaps 10 yards away. This happened during the day, so I didn't have my glasses on. I felt so helpless like Mr. Magoo. I didn't have a single clue as to who that was. I saw she was with a customer so I acted as if I didn't want to interrupt her so I continued to the bank teller.
Now this is when I started to over think. Who was she? She doesn't even look faintly familiar. I began to play detetective and thought about high school, elementary school and past jobs. Nothing rang a bell. Every memory came to a dead end. It was like watching the first half of a Forensic Files episode. At that point I began to feel like I was rude to her by answering her and walking off. I made myself believe that she was staring at my back the whole time.
Of course the bank teller was having a computer issue and needed to go get help. I was annoyed with the fact that I didn't know who this woman was. I slowly turned to look at her. I could see her talking to a customer. I could also hear that she was speaking Spanish. A clue? Not really. Then she noticed me looking at her. Oh boy. I gave a smile and luckily my bank teller came back so I was able to turn around for a reason. I heard a co-worker call out to a "Maria." Was that the woman's name? I couldn't look again. I just wanted to leave.
The Bank Teller asked me how I wanted my cash. I said hundreds. Yes, I'm big pimpin'. Oh, to his surprise! He doesnt have hundred dollar bills anymore. It was time for him to leave me alone with Maria again. She didn't have her customer anymore, but a co-worker was over at her desk, talking to her. I was afraid she might start a conversation with me once the co-worker left. I needed to to avoid the dreaded I'm-not-sure-who-you-are conversation. I feel like its demeaning to a person. So instead I totally brush them off, ignore them and treat them as if they have leprosy.
As soon is I received my money I dashed out of there. Will I ever see Maria again? Probably not, but she will live forever in my blog.
Well now you have to avoid that bank altogether but what if Maria is your one true love?
ReplyDeleteI don't know if it's the same thing exactly, but I get 'Do I know you from somewhere?' atleast once every time I step out from the comfort of my own home. I bet they make 'No, you don't know me' t-shirts someplace. I need to get me one of those.
You should get a t-shirt that says "I'm practically a serial killer, that's how socially awkward I am".
hahaha. That is one awkward moment... usually people say "Hi Jason!...' and when you look confused, they go "It's me, Maria, from the clinic...Or AA?"