What you are about to read is a conversation I had with an AIM spammer. I figured they waste everyone's time for a living and that I would return the favor. I honestly didn't think the spammer would let the conversation go for as long as it did. I think it might have had to do with mentioning a certain name randomly. I used that to my advantage.
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:13:17 PM): wana cyber
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:16:53 PM): its good
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:18:52 PM): i got logitech webcam
Jason (5:19:24 PM): NEXT ON FOX
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:20:08 PM): no next on my computer
Jason (5:20:40 PM): if you were a hotdog and you were starving
Jason (5:20:43 PM): would you eat yourself?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:20:56 PM): youre hotdog
Jason (5:21:28 PM): that wasn't the question
Jason (5:21:49 PM): you're a hot dog right? and you're really hungry....do you start munching on yourself to stay alive?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:22:39 PM): yours
Jason (5:23:06 PM): so what website link are you going to send me and I won't click
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:23:26 PM): none u dojnt appriciate it
Jason (5:23:38 PM): you're right...I dojnt
Jason (5:24:51 PM): okay I want you answer me honestly
Jason (5:24:54 PM): how did you get my screen name
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:25:06 PM): secrit of spamers
Jason (5:25:26 PM): it was Steve wasn't it
Jason (5:25:32 PM): Steve is ALWAYS blurting out my screen name to people
Jason (5:25:35 PM): its ridiculous
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:26:09 PM): whose steve
Jason (5:26:34 PM): some guy
Jason (5:26:44 PM): hey so do you work in some telemarketing office or something?
Jason (5:26:46 PM): if so
Jason (5:26:51 PM): you should give me the screen name of someone else
Jason (5:26:54 PM): so I can spam the spammer
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:27:05 PM): thats ilegil
Jason (5:27:11 PM): but aren't you spamming?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:27:32 PM): no
Jason (5:27:43 PM): true, you haven't sent me a link to anything
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:27:49 PM): all i did was ofer u some fun
Jason (5:27:50 PM): but you know you were
Jason (5:28:07 PM): well let me offer one of your co-workers some fun
Jason (5:28:14 PM): and by fun I mean by confusing them and brightening their day
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:28:23 PM): u must not like webcams
Jason (5:28:42 PM): well I assume its a website
Jason (5:28:49 PM): where some girl gets naked
Jason (5:28:58 PM): and about 30 guys are watching at the same time, typing with one hand
Jason (5:29:01 PM): I don't see how thats fun
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:29:07 PM): u dont like naked girls?
Jason (5:29:17 PM): I like naked girls when I can touch them
Jason (5:29:32 PM): adn when I'm not paying money
Jason (5:29:33 PM): ha
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:29:49 PM): u dont pay for webcam
Jason (5:30:01 PM): what country are you from?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:30:23 PM): u want personal infermation but u wont watch webcam
Jason (5:31:00 PM): pretty much
Jason (5:31:06 PM): so are you spamming others while I'm bugging you?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:31:26 PM): its about imagination
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:31:30 PM): like ur touching them
Jason (5:32:10 PM): yeah I could see that, just not my thing
Jason (5:32:16 PM): I prefer the real deal
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:32:33 PM): dont u think webcam girls are hot
Jason (5:32:47 PM): yeah but its still just a computer screen
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:33:36 PM): u never musta had webcam
Jason (5:33:48 PM): nope
Jason (5:33:50 PM): don't care to
Jason (5:33:59 PM): so back to that hot dog question
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:37:03 PM): u want me to answer ur questin and u dont want to use webcam
Jason (5:37:15 PM): yeah pretty much
Jason (5:37:26 PM): wait...are you the one thats on the webcam?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:38:30 PM): me
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:38:34 PM): or one of my ladies
Jason (5:39:33 PM): by ladies you mean 18 year old european immigrants needing money?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:39:55 PM): no
Jason (5:40:43 PM): ah
Jason (5:40:46 PM): South American then
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:40:57 PM): u dont like latinas
Jason (5:41:12 PM): I do like them
Jason (5:41:18 PM): do you like Lady Gaga?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:43:21 PM): yes
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:43:29 PM): shes wonderful
Jason (5:44:35 PM): so this webcam thing
Jason (5:44:40 PM): is there a show at 8pm?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:45:08 PM): 24hrs
Jason (5:45:18 PM): so there is one at 8pm
Jason (5:45:28 PM): thats too bad cuz I won't be home at 8pm
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:46:05 PM): bad 4 u
Jason (5:46:54 PM): you're not going to answer my hot dog question are you
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:47:14 PM): u can register for webcam service
Jason (5:48:25 PM): I can also sing my abc's while doing jumping jacks
Jason (5:48:28 PM): doesn't mean I'm going to do it
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:48:36 PM): u will hav fun
Jason (5:48:47 PM): I dunno...jumping jacks are kind of boring
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:49:19 PM): u can watch when u get home
Jason (5:49:48 PM): I see neither of us are going to budge here
Jason (5:49:58 PM): I won't register and you won't answer my insightful question
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:51:40 PM): it serves as a useful aid
Jason (5:52:29 PM): thats what they said about offshore drilling
Jason (5:52:32 PM): and look whats happened
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:52:43 PM): only thing to spill will be u
Jason (5:52:52 PM): HAHAHAAHA nice one
Jason (5:52:53 PM): hahaha
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:53:15 PM): dont u like spilling
Jason (5:53:26 PM): I just wonder if Kevin Costner would want to clean it up
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:54:07 PM): dont you
Jason (5:54:20 PM): well I hate spilling coffee
Jason (5:54:26 PM): its the worst
Jason (5:54:26 PM): its hot
Jason (5:54:28 PM): it stains
Jason (5:54:39 PM): then you have to pour a new cup
Jason (5:54:43 PM): its ridiculous sometimes
Jason (5:54:44 PM): don't you think?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:55:04 PM): u can chose from brunetes blondes or redheads
Jason (5:56:46 PM): no baldies?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:56:56 PM): thats hpw u roll
Jason (5:57:15 PM): no, just curious
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:57:23 PM): can find one
Jason (5:58:59 PM): so is the webcam industry booming?
Jason (5:59:17 PM): you know with the recession and all
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:59:51 PM): people always like that stuff
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (5:59:53 PM): not u
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:01:17 PM): it s just a supplement to the real thing
Jason (6:02:57 PM): its like wanting to eat strawberries...and having strawberry flavored gum
Jason (6:03:09 PM): yeah it tastes like strawberry, but it doesn't satisfy the hunger
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:03:28 PM): well if strawberries are outta season, why not have gum
Jason (6:04:36 PM): well until there's a zombie outbreak, and women are scarce...I'll pass on the webcams
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:05:09 PM): sometmes there is
Jason (6:05:45 PM): wait....there's been a zombie outbreak?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:05:54 PM): of girls
Jason (6:06:09 PM): nothing worse than a zombie on its rag
Jason (6:06:14 PM): they want to eat EVERYTHING
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:06:21 PM): some guys like it
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:06:26 PM): i can find that if u want
Jason (6:06:28 PM): okay lock all your doors
Jason (6:06:30 PM): and windows
Jason (6:06:49 PM): get weapons that are at least 3 ft. long
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:07:04 PM): whose steve
Jason (6:07:25 PM): this buddy of mine who gets drunk all the time, he's not a problem
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:07:25 PM): everyone knows a steve dont u think
Jason (6:07:33 PM): you know what
Jason (6:07:38 PM): you're probably right
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:09:56 PM): guess u will never know howi got ur screnam
Jason (6:10:36 PM): nor will I ever know if you'd eat yourself if you were a hungry hot dog
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:11:00 PM): u said nor
Jason (6:11:22 PM): yes I did
Jason (6:11:29 PM): I'm happy you caught that?
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:12:44 PM): thats proper
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:12:50 PM): why do u do that
Jason (6:13:27 PM): beecuz I lyke 2 bee yuzing gud englesh
gaga00hlalaa@yahoo.com (6:14:53 PM): why was steve ur first choice
Jason (6:15:42 PM): because of how Steve is
Jason (6:15:53 PM): yoooou know how steve is
Jason (6:16:08 PM): anyway I gotta go board up windows and stuff because of the zombie thing
Jason (6:16:16 PM): you take care and have fun with your webcam thing